Sunday, June 30, 2013

Puerto Iguazu/Foc do Iguacu - 2nd time around

I met up with Mihai, coming from Argentina via Paraguay, and Bear, coming from Brazil, in Puerto Iguazu, Argentina. For my second visit to the park the river was in full flood stage. Lots of the trails were closed, walkways over water washed out, the island and all the boat rides closed. In spite of this, it was INCREDIBLE to see. Try to imagine the sound associated with the power.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Off to Uruguay, then back into Argentina

In Punta del Este, Uruguay. The other hand is over in Chile.
...and the road(s) I took to get there. Bombing across Uruguay was really nice. Mostly country/farmland roads.

and then back into argentina one more time to get up to Iguazu again before heading into Brazil.

The Jesuits were here a long time ago. Makes me want to watch 'The Mission' when I get home again for long enough. It was shot on location around here and Iguazu Falls.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The latest from Palermo

     The latest from Palermo. Not the last. I'll be back. I already have lots of photos from Buenos Aires and the rest of Argentina but I needed to have these in here to remind me once again of the great food and great people.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Flew to Puerto Iguazu, Argentina to see the falls and the park did not disappoint. What an amazing place. The constant roaring and mist of so much water is like nothing I've ever experienced. Also went to the other side for a night for my first time in Brazil.